Hi, my name is Clément
I'm a software engineer.

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I'm a 23 years old software engineer graduating in September from ESEO in Angers, France. My curiosity has led me to work on a wide range of projects, from websites and machine learning to hacking devices and rocket control panels. Today, I had like to put my knowledge to good use for the environment by working on responsible and sustainable solutions.

Aside programming I have a lot of hobbies. I love going on adventures to discover new landscapes through roadtrips or treks. I also like playing video games. Here are my favorites : Kerbal Space Program, Cities Skylines, Counter Strike: Global Offensive.

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Xrl Online

20.000 lines of code

My end-of-studies project. With 3 other students, we had to develop a web application for our client : Thales Hong Kong. This application allows the user to follow the progress of the readiness of his projects. It use the KTH Readiness Level framework.

Spring Angular MongoDB Docker Compose

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Website Angular/Spring

35.000 lines of code

My first Web Application project. With 7 other students, we had to develop a web application for our school to help future students to organize their projects.
This work was very interesting because we had to work with a lot of different technologies like Angular, Spring, Hibernate, MySQL, Docker, SonarQube, etc.
But it was also very challenging because we had to work in a team of 8 people and this enabled us to learn how to use the agile scrum method.

Angular Spring MariaDB Typescript

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5.000 lines of code

A small project to learn how to use React & Bootstrap. This is a simple TO-DO app that allows you to add, delete and edit to-do lists. You can also add for each task : a title, a description, a deadline, a priority and a tag.

React Vite Bootstrap

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Kerbal Controller

1.100 lines of code

Kerbal Space Program is a space simulation game. During high school, i decided to build a controller specifically for this game. This was my first project, I learned a lot about electronics and programming. It works thanks to arduino for the embedded part and python for the software part. I have to thanks Hugo Peeters for sharing his project and the kRPC community for developing the kRPC mod that allows me to communicate with the game.

Hugo has made a video about his project, you can watch it on Youtube !

Arduino C/C++ Python Electronics

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Sigma IA Racing

Sigma is a software compagny based at Nantes, France. Every year, they organize an IA competition between the students of the region. With two mates, we decided to participate to this competition. We had to develop an IA to drive a car on a track by using the framework DonkeyCar. This 8 months experience was very interesting and we learned a lot about IA and machine learning. Unfortunately we loose during the first round due to a technical problem...

You can watch the entire competition on Youtube !

Python AI/ML RaspBerry Pi

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Sand Table

3.000 lines of code

During my second year of preparatory, i built a sand table. It's a table with a sand surface and a magnetic ball. The goal is to control the ball with a magnet under the table in order to draw shapes on the sand. This project use a rasberry pi with a python program.

You can watch the project presentation on Youtube !

Python RaspBerry Pi Electronics

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1.500 lines of code

During my first year of engineering school, i had to design and develop a hardware keylogger. The device is plugged between the keyboard and the computer and it's able to record every key pressed on the keyboard. I can then retrieve the data by connecting my smartphone in bluetooth to the device. It use a STM32F103 microship and a HC-05 bluetooth module.
Big thanks to Samuel POIRAUD, my teacher, for giving me the opportunity to work on this project.

You can watch the project presentation on Youtube !

C STM32 Bluetooth Hacking

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AI 2D Car Simulator

A small POC to learn how to use AI/ML in a pygame environment. The goal is to train a car to drive on a track. We have started from a project of the youtube channel NeuralNine, then after changing from the NEAT library to the stable-baselines framework, we have rework the entire project so that the learning use the entire CPU power. (multi-processing)

Python AI/ML MultiProcessing

Youtube Source Code
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Snake AI
(In Progress)

Same project as above but this time with the famous game Snake (home made). This time the multiprocessing implementation was easier because each snake have it own environnement.

Python AI/ML MultiProcessing

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Web Space Simulation

The goal is to create a web application that allows the user to simulate the solar system. I will use the RogueEngine framework to create the simulation. The first step will be to create a simple 2D simulation, then a 3D simulation. If the project goes well, I will try to add rockets so that the player can travel in the solar system.

Space Simulation Rogue Engine TypeScript

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Feel free to contact me for any proposal or questions about my projects !

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